City Escapes (EST, FIN)
Thursday 24.8.2017
18.00 – 22:00
Installation opens at 18:00
Live concert starts at 20:30
Taiteiden yö / Night of the Arts Event
City Escapes:
Vesa Kartesalo (FIN), synths, keys
Evelin Kask (EST), visuals, video
Annika Laaksonen (FIN), voice, electronics
Tuomo Noppari (FIN), sounds, electronics
City Escapes is a cross-disciplinary art work between three musicians and one visual artist. In this site-specific work, sound and visuals cross and merge a constant dialogue. City Escapes consists of half-improvised electronic sounds and poetry singing, physical installation and video work. It focuses on the fragmentation of our time: we exist in one physical place, yet we exceed it, functioning simultaneously in-between parallel mental spaces, spaces of otherness.
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Vesa Kartesalo is an electronic music producer. He has deepened his understanding of electronic sound by designing and assembling parts of his modular system himself. Currently his work relies heavily on unconventional melodies, harmonies and rhythms, remaining rooted in the mainstream electonic and pop music.
Evelin Kask is a visual artist working mainly with the concepts of time and entropy, and the cyclic process of creation, destruction and recreation. She has exhibited in Finland and abroad, and works often across the field in collaboration with other artists.
Annika Laaksonen has a long history of singing different genres of music. Last few years she has been concentrating on electronic material including producing it on her own under the name of Blankau. On this night, she will use her ethereal yet soulful voice through a looping station.
Tuomo Noppari is a multi-instrumentalist with a taste for wide range of music. He’s known from the bands such as ‘N Stuff, Klasu and Koria Kitten Riot. He has also composed music for theater plays.

City Escapes on kolmen muusikon ja yhden visuaalisen taiteilijan välinen vuorovaikutteinen, puoli-improvisoitu tilateos, jossa ääni ja visuaalisuus lomittuvat toisiinsa toisiaan täydentäen, kommentoiden ja kumoten. City Escapes rakentuu tilaan levittäytyvästä installaatioteoksesta, puoli-improvisoidusta ääniteoksesta ja videoteoksesta. Ääniteoksessa yhdistyvät elektroniset biitit, kuplivat synamatot sekä runomuotoinen laulu.
City Escapes pohtii ajallemme tyypillistä tilan fragmentoitumista ja pirstaleisuutta. Olemme fyysisesti yhdessä tilassa ja silti muualla, virittäydymme samanaikaisissa rinnakkaisissa tiloissa, liikumme niiden välillä tietoisesti ja tiedostamatta.