Category: Sound Installation

Janne Särkelä: Ambient²

Janne Särkelä
22.4.-28.4.2012, 12-14pm (each day)

In my work AMBIENT², I interpret the sound landscape of Harakka island into music, into another language through a computer-abled generative process. We are born into sound landscape to which we get used to through our lives and we take it as a familiar foundation, compared to which everything is strange and peculiar. It is about interpretation. When the same sound landscape is repeated as music something weird and unexpected is revealed.

Music created by the AMBIENT² does not strive to fit its tones into any existing note system. It re-creates the frequencies of the source material by synthetic instruments as a spectral musical application. The final result is a musical work which never quite exactly repeats itself. The composer is the observed space which creates its own tonal system. The music thus created is not aleatory but determined by its own rules.

The basic form of the music is defined by ambient aesthetics, and in this case ambient sound creates the ambient music and the borders of music and the world are seamlessly intertwined.
Janne Särkelä:

The sound exhibition is part of the La-bàs Biennale 2012 -festival:

Charlie Morrow – Harri Koskinen: Sound Glass Space

Charlie Morrow – Harri Koskinen


Harri Koskisen neljä lasiteosta on aktivoitu muuntimiksi Morrow True3D -äänitilaan. ///
Harri Koskinen’s four glass works are activated as transducers in a Morrow True3D sound space.

Harri Koskinen – Glass Works

1. venini gotico 2003

2. spittoon unique 1997

3. berlin blue 2002

4. venini unique 2009

Charlie Morrow – True 3D Soundscapes

1. finland arctic melts 1980

2. finland bird songs 2010

3. ssttooppeerrss watches 1969

4. featherehtaef muu-sikki 2002 and 2012

The sound is working in the glass.
The glass works are sounding in the soundscape.
The space is created by the sound.

Petri Kuljuntausta w/ Random Doctors & Klaustrofobia: Black Groove

Akusmatassa on esillä audiovisuaalinen installaatio Black Groove.

Teoksen ovat toteuttaneet äänitaiteilija Petri Kuljuntausta ja VJ:t Random Doctors ja Klaustrofobia. Teoksen lähtökohtana on kaksi harvinaista Siemensin testiäänilevyä 1930-luvulta. Kansalliskirjaston digitointiyksikössä äänitteet on digitoitu ja niiden alkuperäinen sisältö pyyhitty pois. Taustalta on nostettu esiin vanhan ja kuluneen uran häiriöäänet, napsut, ritinät ja muut virheet. Näyttelyn äänireaktiivinen videoprojisointi simuloi matkaa vinyyliurassa. Tietokone “kuuntelee” ja seuraa ääniuraa ja visualisoi häiriöäänet tilaan kolmiulotteisesti. Black Groove on esillä 17.2.2012 saakka.