Voluntary 5e entrance fee
Produced by Akusmata
Supported by
Nordic Culture Point
Nordisk Kulturfond / Puls
Pro Helvetia
Kultur Stadt Bern
Stadt Biel / Bienne
Amt für Kultur Kanton Bern
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Michael J. Schumacher (USA)
solo electronics w/ PMcSS, a portable multichannel sound system
Duo Michael J. Schumacher + Petri Kuljuntausta, guitar & electronics
Ann Rosén (SWE)
solo electronics with the candles and sensors
Duo Christian Kobi + Christian Müller
Christian Kobi (SUI), soprano saxophone
Christian Müller (SUI), bass-clarinet, sampler and electronic sound
Mike McCormick (CAN) electric guitar
Håkon Norby Bjørgo (NOR) double bass
Michaela Antalová (SVK) drums
City Mirage
Nina-Maria Oförsagd video
PerViktor Hjalmarsson (SWE) piano
Petri Kuljuntausta electronics and guitar
Philip Holm tailor’s fiddle, bass
Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo text reading
Sergio Castrillón (COL) cello
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Composer Michael J. Schumacher (USA) has devised a portable multichannel sound system (the PMcSS) for the presentation and performance of his compositions and improvisations. Complete with speakers, amplifier, interface, wires and computer, the entire system weighs 30 pounds and can be carried in a suitcase and backpack. Schumacher has toured Europe with the system (a second tour is in May 2018) and given numerous one-off concerts in the United States, as soloist as well as with improvisors including instrumentalists from various musical disciplines, poets, dancers, performance artists and videoists. Currently, Schumacher has been presenting a set of compositions called Variations, a 45 minute set of short (3-7 minute) pieces that transpose the classical idea of variation into the areas of spatialization and timbre.
For more Info, see http://
‘Composing is Listening’: https://
Michael J. Schumacher’s lecture will be held earlier on that day at the Theatre Academy main building (Haapaniemenkatu 6). The lecture is open for the public.
Shadows and light, candles and sound. By moving lit candles and creating shadows with her hands Ann Rosén (SWE) creates live electronic music. Dark twisting harmonies, subliminal glitches and drones are counterpointed by fragile noise drops and the sound of a distant overclocked computer breaking down. The instrument is essentially a bowl equipped with candles, light sensors and a microprocessor that sends data to a synthesis engine. The instrument is very responsive to its surroundings and Ann Rosén can play by moving her instrument in relation to existing light and shadow patterns as well as directly manipulating the candles and sensors. Ann Rosén’s sound art involves expanding the palette of sounds with timbres using sensors to register changing tensions in cloth instruments to control computer generated sounds and processes. Glitches, sparks and clicks, white noise and electronic artefacts characterise Ann Rosén’s sound world, as do spatial soundscapes created using real-time synthesis.
Christian Kobi (SUI) and Christian Müller (SUI) present with A Second Day a radical and novel sound world, in which they explore the sound potentialities of their reed instruments: bass clarinet and soprano saxophone. While the five pieces are based on precise concepts, they are played in a free and open way, emphasizing the instruments’ characteristics as well as the different musical approaches.
A Second Day is an exploration in the microstructures of sound. Christian Kobi uses a highly sensitive microphone to capture the rich acoustic sound and sound colors of his soprano saxophone. The electronic musician and clarinet player Christian Müller works with an experimental realtime-sampler and electronic sound effects to zoom into the sound objects played on his bass clarinet. As soulmates in the search for new sound qualities of their respective instruments Kobi and Müller create a subtle and peculiar sound universe.
BRINICLE is an Oslo-based improvising trio comprised of Mike McCormick (CAN) on electric guitar, Håkon Norby Bjørgo (NOR) on upright bass, and Michaela Antalová (SVK) on drum kit and percussion. All highly dynamic and thoughtful instrumentalists, their performances can be unabashedly chaotic, introspectively calm, and anywhere in between.
After meeting in the fall of 2015, the members of BRINICLE quickly discovered their common interests in the energy and dynamism expressed by avant-garde improvisers and the exciting instrumental colours suggested by post-rockers, and began to make music that meets somewhere in the middle. In the last three years, they have played concerts in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy and Switzerland and their debut recording “First Frost” will be released in Spring 2018 on Creative Sources Recordings.
City Mirage (FIN/SWE) is a performing group that combines a video screening with improvised music, sound, text reading and performance. In City Mirage screenings different cities of Far East are brought together through a number of selected video sequences. The video is a visual score for live music improvisation. It gives impulses for the performers and form for the interpretation. The order and number of the video sequences is different in every performance. Thus every performance of the City Mirage will be different and unique. In City Mirage the main question is about how we sense and understand the environments, understand and visualize time by observing movement of its habitants and by studying historical layers of the spaces. Sounds shape our understanding of a place and open us different dimensions of time and space – leading and shaping our interpretation.
« LIVE: Roomet Jakapi (EST), Jukka Kääriäinen, Petteri Mäkiniemi Akusmata Sound Weekend »