Esa Ruoho

When your dad is a maverick that builds his own antennas to listen-in on distant and obscure radio-stations worldwide and eventually solders together a computer from a DIY kit, hooking up a mono speaker to hear the cassette tape loading programs – and your earliest memories are these sounds of raw data being fed into the machine, the resulting computer beeps and boops and a visual of an asterisk shooting minuses at numbers, you’ll either get yourself committed at an early age or wind up twiddling that dial on the radio in your room.
If you then accidentally hear your first episode of the legendary ambient radioshow Avaruusromua, you’re pretty much done for. Suddenly you do a timewarp from listening to computer music to recording found sound, hums, hisses and blissing out on being sent a soundbite of ice creaking.
Induction microphones, hydrophones, electromagnetic listening devices? Hook those up to free energy apparatuses and alternative healing devices.
Lets push everything as far as it can go and create wall-to-wall noise to drown out the mental debris and the misfiring synapses of your poor ol’ head.